FOTO: Ó můj Bože! Suárezovi postavili v rodném městě sochu, ale ta je spíš k smíchu

Rodné městečko uruguayského fotbalového útočníka Luise Suáreze Salto chtělo slavnému rodákovi ukázat, jak moc si ho váží. Na jeho počet proto nechali zhotovit sochu v životní velikosti!

Umělecký počin však nezískal zrovna mnoho příznivců. Naopak! odle Suárezových fanoušků socha vůbec nevypadá jako fotbalista Barcelony a vlastně je dost ošklivá.

Sochař Alberto Morales Saravia, který podobiznu známého fotbalisty zhotovil, přiznal, že Suáreze nikdy v životě neviděl. Své dílo tedy zhotovil jen podle fotografií.

suarez socha suarez socha

Přesto, že socha není zrovna nádherná, ani zdaleka se nevyrovná hrůzostrašné soše Lionela Messiho.

Skulptura stojící v argentinském Tucumánu je přirovnávána k loutce a to ještě dosti nepovedené. Vysochaný Messi navíc kope do míče pravačkou, přestože Messi má silnější spíše levačku.

Pic shows: Fans making fun of the Messi statue located in Famailla, Tucuman; Netizens have made a laughing stock of this new statue built in the honour of football star Luis Suarez, calling it "ugly" and the stuff of nightmares. 	 Sculptor Alberto Morales Saravia admitted he had only worked with images of the Barcelona star that he had managed to find on the web to design and build his life-size work of art. "What I am doing is very difficult", he said last year back when he was still in the planning phase, "I'm doing it by looking at photos." He explained that he did not want to "bother" the Uruguay international, but the artist may now regret his decision, after photos of his work went viral across social media, with several users laughing at the "ugly" statue. Unveiled in a shopping district in his hometown of Salto, north-western Uruguay, the statue was built to commemorate the striker and honour him for all the success that he has had so far. The controversial 29-year-old former Liverpool FC striker can be seen showing his trademark three fingers with the ball to his foot. Netizen ‘YoSoyMilkChocolate’ said: "Holy f*ck that looks ugly." and ‘godie’ wrote: "’Statue’... More like a mannequin from the store next to it." User ‘FUTBALAR’ added: "A+ nightmare material." Suarez later published a video message to say thank you to everyone who was involved in the creation of the statue. But despite all the negative feedback, several have agreed that it is not the worse homage they have ever seen. Many online users are still reeling from a Messi statue built in the Paseo Historico de Famailla in the Argentine Tucuman Province, with several fans criticising yet another inaccurate representation of a Barcelona FC ace. One user ‘JX’ said: "In a Tucuman town they made a statue of Messi... but I think that I look more like it." And ‘Jose Agustin’ joked: "They made a tribute statue in Tucuman of a young Hugo Chavez in a Messi shirt." Pic shows: Fans making fun of the Messi statue located in Famailla, Tucuman; Netizens have made a laughing stock of this new statue built in the honour of football star Luis Suarez, calling it "ugly" and the stuff of nightmares. 	 Sculptor Alberto Morales Saravia admitted he had only worked with images of the Barcelona star that he had managed to find on the web to design and build his life-size work of art. "What I am doing is very difficult", he said last year back when he was still in the planning phase, "I'm doing it by looking at photos." He explained that he did not want to "bother" the Uruguay international, but the artist may now regret his decision, after photos of his work went viral across social media, with several users laughing at the "ugly" statue. Unveiled in a shopping district in his hometown of Salto, north-western Uruguay, the statue was built to commemorate the striker and honour him for all the success that he has had so far. The controversial 29-year-old former Liverpool FC striker can be seen showing his trademark three fingers with the ball to his foot. Netizen ‘YoSoyMilkChocolate’ said: "Holy f*ck that looks ugly." and ‘godie’ wrote: "’Statue’... More like a mannequin from the store next to it." User ‘FUTBALAR’ added: "A+ nightmare material." Suarez later published a video message to say thank you to everyone who was involved in the creation of the statue. But despite all the negative feedback, several have agreed that it is not the worse homage they have ever seen. Many online users are still reeling from a Messi statue built in the Paseo Historico de Famailla in the Argentine Tucuman Province, with several fans criticising yet another inaccurate representation of a Barcelona FC ace. One user ‘JX’ said: "In a Tucuman town they made a statue of Messi... but I think that I look more like it." And ‘Jose Agustin’ joked: "They made a tribute statue in Tucuman of a young Hugo Chavez in a Messi shirt."

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