FOTO: Jak slavily Dánky evropský titul? Fotkou ZE SPRCH!

Dánský házenkářský klub Tvis Holstebro ovládl letošní ročník evropského Poháru vítězů pohárů s přehledem – po vyřazení celků z Makedonie, Rakouska či Francie se utkal ve finále s ruským klubem Lada Togliatti a ani tomu nedal příliš šanci – po výhrách 30:25 a 31:27 tak mohly hráčky dánského týmu oslavit zasloužený triumf.

A ihned po utkání to čerstvé vítězky skutečně rozjely – možná i kvůli potenciální zvýšené popularitě jejich týmu se hned šestice z nich nechala zcela nahá vyfotit s pohárem ve sprše! Snímek si pak samozřejmě nenechaly pro sebe a umístily jej záhy na internet…

Pic shows:  In April - Team Tvis Holstebro "We're ready for another trip to Russia ?????? ‪#‎finale‬". A women's handball team celebrated their victory in an unusual way by posing naked in the shower with their trophy. The female members of the Tvis Holstebro team from Denmark then scored an online hit when they posted the picture of them in the shower cubicle online for fans. The girls had won the EHF cup and came up with the idea of making their victory even sweeter with the unique photo. The carefully positioned shot shows the girls successfully managing to cover anything too indecent using their hands - and the cup - to cover up each other’s breasts, before taking the picture. They are clearly delighted about their victory, judging by their wide smiles in the the photograph. Many online users praise it as a work of art, saying other sporting teams should celebrate their victories in the same way. The picture has made Tvis Holstebro a real hit on social networks were it quickly went viral. The women’s team twice defeated the Russian Lada Togliati (30:25 and 31:27) to win the EHF Cup, an official competition for women's handball clubs of Europe. It takes place every year, from September to May and was the first contest to be organised by the European Handball Federation (EHF) in 1981. The Danish Team Tvis Holstebro is a handball club from the town Holstebro located in western Denmark. (ends) handball holstebro the sun co uk

Foto: Holstebro
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